Test Automation – Mobile | Web | Desktop applications

Faster time to market, customer experience, constant additional enhancements, reduced regression test time and enhanced test coverage are the prevailing factors for Test Automation.

As the requirement to support multiple browsers and devices increases, it is driving the demand to automate the functional testing of Mobile Apps/Web/Desktop applications. In an effort to achieve faster time to market, increase test coverage and improve the productivity of the test team, test automation continues to be the buzzword among the QT teams. To deliver apps faster in today’s world of Agile sprints and continuous integration, the only way is to introduce test automation in the software development life cycle as an integral part.

Automated tests provide consistent results and data points. The benefits are ease of maintenance, the ability to efficiently use resources in off-peak hours, and the capability to create reports based on the executed tests Azuro Technology offers specialized software test automation services using the market standard Automated Software Quality tools. Test automation helps accelerate regression test efforts in a cost-effective manner. Automation allows 24×7 unattended execution.

Test Automation helps in Testing the Quality Fast to Deliver Fast!

Azuro Technology Framework approach™

Our framework has ready to use components developed by Azuro Technology, helps reduce the effort required to convert manual regression Test Cases into fully automated Test Scripts and improves the test coverage. This approach is even more useful in the Agile development model as QT teams have limited time for Test Automation.

Our test automation approach addresses the following business challenges –

  • Reliable automated tests – Write once and execute tests across the devices, operating systems, and browsers
  • Automated Test Execution and Reporting (using Continuous Testing – with the help of DevOps tools)
  • Test Early, Test Often to catch the bugs at the early stages of the development life cycle
  • Reduced test cycle time to enable faster release to market
  • End-to-end test automation with minimal human intervention and uninterrupted automated test execution
  • Reusable automation components
  • Flexible, repeatable, and stable automation suite
  • It allows non-technical users to execute scripts with limited hand-holding
  • Tagging test cases to execute select test-scripts to meet release objectives

Test Automation

AUT evaluation for Test Automation

Our QT teams use very strong evaluation process before they initiate Test Automation, to make sure that Test automation is really useful and really addresses above mentioned challenges -

  • Application Under Test (AUT) readiness for the test automation (if there are major UI or functional changes expected in the near future better postpone test automation also if application has API, then make sure first automate API tests before automate UI tests)
  • What is the right tool for the Application Under Test (not every tool is right for an application )
  • What would be test coverage after converting manual regression test cases to automation test scripts
  • Whether cost & time incurred on the test automation and maintenance is worth compare to the cost incurred on manual test execution

Test Automation tool expertise

  • Open Source - Selenium
  • Open Source - Protractor + Jasmine
  • SmartBear - TestComplete
  • SmartBear - SoapUI
  • Capybara with RSpec & Page Factory
  • Nightwatch.js
  • Microsoft - Coded UI Test
  • IBM - Rational Functional Tester
  • Sikuli ( SikuliX IDE | SikuliX API )
  • Open Source - Appium, UiAutomator, XCUITest(iOS)
  • (from Google) Puppeteer + Jest
  • Telerik - Test Studio
  • Open Source - Watir
  • Perfecto Mobile
  • WebdriverIO
  • TestPlant - eggPlant
  • Testim
  • EndTest.io
  • Katalon Studio
  • Robot framework
  • Hewlett Packard Enterprise - UFT (formerly QTP)
  • FitNesse Test tool
  • Cypress
  • Cucumber - BDD
  • Borland - Silk Test
  • Applitools (Visual Regression Testing)

Services we offer in Test Automation

  • Automated Regression Test Suite Creation for Web, Mobile (web/native apps) & Desktop
  • Custom Automation Framework Implementation
  • REST API Test Automation
  • Continuous Testing using DevOps tools (automated test execution on CI/CD pipeline)
  • Automated Test Results & Defect Reporting
  • Microservices Test Automation