Mobile Apps Testing

Improving customer experience in a digital world is critical to success, engaging high quality customer-facing apps positively impact revenue, while poor quality apps put experience and brand reputation at risk, driving organizations to invest in mobile application development and proper testing.

Azuro Technology provides a comprehensive mobile application testing strategy for getting applications to market on time and within budget, thereby providing value to customers. Azuro Technology has in-house device pool to help test your mobile apps on diversified devices.

Azuro Technology offers following mobile app testing services

Functional Testing
  • Installation Testing
  • Interrupt Testing
  • Functional Testing
  • Automated Functional Testing
  • Upgradation Testing
Non-Functional Testing
  • Memory leakage Testing
  • Performance Testing
  • Security Testing
  • Battery Performance Testing

Mobile App Testing

We test on all Mobile Platforms
  • Apple
  • iOS
  • AndroidWindows
  • PhoneBlackBerry - RIM
  • Symbian
We test on all Devices
  • Smart Mobile Phones
  • Tablet devices
  • e-Readers ( such as Kindle)
  • Wearables
  • PDAs
  • Device Simulators
We test on all types of Apps
  • Native apps
  • Hybrid apps
  • Web and responsive design apps

Challenges with Mobile Testing for digital quality

Every product has different challenges and solutions when it comes to digital enterprise experience, To overcome the challenges we provide customer-specific quality assurance testing solutions. Most common challenges includes -

  • are you testing on Right devices?
  • can we Accelerate Manual Testing
  • ability to test Real End-User Conditions
  • Minimized missing important defects
  • one automation Script to run across the platforms and devices
  • availability of devices for testing