Functional/Regression Testing

Azuro Technology offers comprehensive functional testing services to ensure that your software product/application - conforms to stated/documented behavior and specifications.

Per the World quality report, one of the key challenges being faced in Application development is reliance on manual testing. Azuro Technology has well-defined Quality Assurance process, that caters regardless of the nature or size of the project. Our functional testing experts have extensive experience across industry verticals. Azuro Technology offers comprehensive functional testing services to ensure that your software product/application - conforms to stated/documented behavior and specifications.

As part of the functional testing we make sure the application under test

  • Conforms to stated/documented behavior and specifications
  • Compatible with operating environment
  • Well integrated with external systems(payment gateways, social media, etc.)
  • Has better User Experience
  • Uncover new software bugs, or regressions, in existing functional areas
  • Compliance with standards if applicable ( such as HIPAA 5010, FATCA-compliant, etc.)

Functional Testing Life Cycle

  • Scope definition
  • Create RTM
  • Test Automation Feasibility Study
Test Planning
  • Define test strategy/plan
  • Estimation
  • Prioritization, etc.
Test Development
  • Test environments setup
  • Create/update testcase, test data, test scripts
Test Execution
  • Execute Tests
  • Report test results/defects, etc.
Test Closure
  • Quality report
  • Test Matrics.
  • Retrospective

During functional testing we focus on

  • Pre-Production Testing
  • Post Deployment Testing
  • Code Quality Assurance (Unit Testing)
  • Functionality Testing
  • Regression Testing
  • Exploratory Testing
  • Integration Testing
  • Bank-end data verification
  • User Acceptance Testing (UAT)
  • Platform (OS/Browser/Device) Compatibility
  • Navigation
  • UI/UX Testing

Azuro Technology Differentiators

  • Real user focussed test approach
  • Experience in implementation of testing methodologies such as TDD, BDD, etc.
  • Create reusable test scripts to reduce cost and time of the test cycle
  • Find most important defects at the beginning of the Test Cycle
  • Our QT approach takes care of quality and time-lines
  • Our Test Engineers adopted to work in Agile-scrum and continuous integration environments
  • Usage of cutting-edge test tools to reduce the testing time