Big Data & Analytics Testing

According to analyst from Gartner, "The average organization loses $8.2 million annually through poor Data Quality"

Big data is in the large volumes of data – both structured and unstructured, but it’s not the amount of data that’s important. It’s what organizations do with the data that matters. These huge volumes of data provide an opportunity for businesses to make smart decisions by using appropriate analytics.

Testing Big Data : 3 Big challenges

  • we need to verify more data and do it faster
  • we need to automate the testing effort
  • we need to be able to test across different platforms

This is where three Vs of big data came from –

  • Data Volume: Huge amount of data flows through systems and is to be tested and validated for its quality
  • Data Velocity: This is the speed at which new data is getting generated, in general when the velocity with which data can be analyzed is greater then profitability is more for an organization
  • Data Variety: Big data comprises large data sets – draws from the text, images, audio, video; which may be structured, semi-structured or unstructured.

Big Data & Analytics offerings

QuaiTlabs offers the following Testing services in Big Data and Analytics

Data Ingestion Testing

Structured, unstructured and semi-structured data sources

Testing Migration to Big Data Lakes

Structured to NoSQL data sources

Analytics Testing

Predictive models

Visualization Testing

Data insights

Data Quality in Big Data

Acquire, cleanse and integrate data

Performance and Security Testing
Following are the stages of the Testing involved in the BigData Testing –
  • Gathering required Data & Analyzing It

    Solving a big data problem requires gathering an enormous amount of data, once you have access to such data, analysis of volumes of data is required to understand and enrich customer experience

  • Testing Data

    Testing analytics applications requires exploration of Social Media, Mobility, Analytics, and Cloud (SMAC) world.

    The 3 key characteristics of data include Volumes, Velocity and Variety, Characteristics of data to be tested and testing to be done include

    • Data Volumes
    • Data Variety
    • Data Velocity
  • Understanding Customer problem

    Understand the customer problem – Who the customer, preferences, problem statement, preferences, etc.

  • Testing the BI/BA Applications

    Analytics solutions should be tested for common testing techniques such as Functional and Usability Testing, Security Testing, Performance Testing, Usability Testing –

    • Functional and Usability Testing - To check if the application is providing the right information, e.g. providing a single view of the customer from multiple data sources.
    • Security Testing - to focus on authorization and authentication of users, availability of data.
    • Performance Testing - To focus on the accuracy of data, and performance under high load